Associate Professor

Telephone: +39 049 827 6524
Via Venezia 8 – Room 03.024


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56 entries « 6 of 6 »


Dalmaso, Mario; Galfano, Giovanni

Bias attentivo in risposta a volti di alto e basso status sociale [Attentional bias to high and low social status faces] Journal Article

In: Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, vol. 41, pp. 865-872, 2014.

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Dalmaso, Mario; Galfano, Giovanni; Tarqui, Luana; Forti, Bruno; Castelli, Luigi

Is social attention impaired in schizophrenia? Gaze but not pointing gestures is associated with spatial attention deficits Journal Article

In: Neuropsychology, vol. 27, pp. 608-613, 2013.

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Dalmaso, Mario; Fuentes, Luis J.; Galfano, Giovanni

L’induzione di un contesto affettivo rivela la modulazione dell’orientamento mediato dallo sguardo da parte di espressioni emotive [Eliciting an affective context uncover the effects of emotions on gaze-mediated orienting of attention] Journal Article

In: Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, vol. 39, pp. 193-200, 2012.

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Galfano, Giovanni; Dalmaso, Mario; Marzoli, Daniele; Pavan, Giulia; Coricelli, Carol; Castelli, Luigi

Eye gaze cannot be ignored (but neither can arrows) Journal Article

In: Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, vol. 65, pp. 1895-1910, 2012.

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Dalmaso, Mario; Pavan, Giulia; Castelli, Luigi; Galfano, Giovanni

Social status gates social attention in humans Journal Article

In: Biology Letters, vol. 8, pp. 450–452, 2012.

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Pavan, Giulia; Dalmaso, Mario; Galfano, Giovanni; Castelli, Luigi

Racial group membership is associated to gaze-mediated orienting in Italy Journal Article

In: PLoS ONE, vol. 6, no. e25608, 2011.

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