Research Areas
Behavioral investigations of attention limitations in the temporal domain
Neuropsychological assessment of attention functions following brain damage
Cognitive electrophysiology of attention functions in human adults
Functional near-infrared spectroscopy of attention functions in human adults
Selected Publications
Unitary attention in callosal agenesis Journal Article
In: Cogn Neuropsychol, vol. 22, no. 8, pp. 1035–1053, 2005.
Multitasking costs in close-head injury patients. A fine-grained analysis Journal Article
In: Exp Brain Res, vol. 152, no. 1, pp. 29–41, 2003.
Four-dot masking produces the attentional blink Journal Article
In: Vision Res., vol. 43, no. 18, pp. 1907–1913, 2003.
Electrophysiological evidence of visual encoding deficits in a cross-modal attentional blink paradigm Journal Article
In: Psychophysiology, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 629–639, 2003.
Effetti comportamentali e elettrofisiologici di un limite cognitivo Journal Article
In: Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, vol. 29, pp. 181–187, 2002.
Cross-modal attentional deficits in processing tactile stimulation Journal Article
In: Percept Psychophys, vol. 63, no. 5, pp. 777–789, 2001.
Selective effect of closed-head injury on central resource allocation: Evidence from dual-task performance Journal Article
In: Exp Brain Res, vol. 136, no. 3, pp. 364–378, 2001.
Di barometri e di animali: Un commento a Vallortigara e al. Journal Article
In: Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, vol. 28, pp. 47–50, 2001.
Is global shape sufficient for automatic object identification? Journal Article
In: Visual Cognition, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 801–821, 2001.
Analisi log-lineare di un limite attentivo Journal Article
In: TPM: Testing, Psicometria e Metodologia, vol. 8, pp. 5–11, 2001.
Books and chapters
Conference papers
Vincoli di base nella codifica mnestica. Conference
Congresso Nazionale AIP, Capri (IT). September 29–30, 1996.
Attentional and structural constraints on memory encoding. Conference
Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Chicago (USA). November 1–3, 1996.
Confronting hypotheses on object recognition in a case of visual agnosia. Conference
European Conference on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Bressanone (IT). January 23–28, 1995.
Semantic effects on the physical judgement of objects. Conference
Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Los Angeles (USA). November 10–12, 1995.
Riconoscere e' inevitabile? Fattori percettivi e semantici nel giudizio di figure. Conference
AIP Meeting "Ai confini dei processi mentali", Padova (IT). October 30, 1994.
Effetti semantici nel giudizio di proprietà geometriche di oggetti? Conference
Congresso Nazionale Divisione Ricerca di Base in Psicologia, Padova (IT). September 28–30, 1994.
Semantic-like effects in judging physical properties of objects. Conference
Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Lisbon (PTG). September 10–14, 1994.
Priming di parte. Conference
Congresso Nazionale Divisione Ricerca di Base in Psicologia, Roma (IT). October 1–3, 1993.
Papers in progress
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