Research Areas
Visual short-term memory
Numerical cognition
Cognitive control
Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS)
Selected Publications
In: Neurophotonics, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 045009, 2016.
Audio-visual dynamics in multiple object processing: Is attending to both modalities a prerequisite for the flexibility of individuation? An N2pc study Conference
Rovereto Attention Workshop, Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CIMeC), University of Trento, 2015.
Number-space interactions in the human parietal cortex: Enlightening the SNARC effect with functional near-infrared spectroscopy Journal Article
In: Cereb. Cortex, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 444–451, 2014.
Motion artifacts in functional near-infrared spectroscopy: a comparison of motion correction techniques applied to real cognitive data Journal Article
In: Neuroimage, vol. 85, pp. 181–191, 2014.
Are the neural correlates of subitizing and estimation dissociable? An fNIRS investigation Journal Article
In: NeuroImage, vol. 85 Pt 1, pp. 391–399, 2014.
Unleashing the future potential of functional near-infrared spectroscopy in brain sciences Journal Article
In: Journal of neuroscience methods, vol. 232, pp. 152–156, 2014.
A semi-immersive virtual reality incremental swing balance task activates prefrontal cortex: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. Journal Article
In: NeuroImage, vol. 85, pp. 451-460, 2014.
Prefrontal cortex activation during story encoding/retrieval: a multi-channel functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. Journal Article
In: Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, vol. 7, pp. 1-11, 2013.
A reference-channel based methodology to improve estimation of event-related hemodynamic response from fNIRS measurements Journal Article
In: Neuroimage, vol. 72, pp. 106–119, 2013.
Investigation of verbal and visual working memory by multi-channel time-resolved functional near-infrared spectroscopy. Inproceedings
In: Proceedings SPIE 8578, Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy of Tissue X, pp. 85782Z, 2013.
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