Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Telephone: 0498276402
Via Venezia, 8 – Room 01.013
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Research Areas

  • predictive processing in speech comprehension
  • speech production
  • speech and language in atypical populations (people who stutter, deaf people with cochlear implant)
  • electroencephalography

I obtained a master’s degree in Linguistics in 2015 (Unipd) and a PhD in Psychological Sciences in 2021 (Unipd; supervisor: Prof. Francesca Peressotti). Currently, I’m a Research Fellow at the Department of Developmental and Social Psychology (DPSS), University of Padova, Italy. My main research interests lie in predictive processing during auditory language comprehension, its electrophysiological correlates, and how prediction may relate to speech and language production processes and their neural underpinnings.

During my PhD I employed time-frequency and event-related potential analyses of electroencephalographic data to investigate the possible supporting role of language production processes in prediction during comprehension, both in typical and atypical populations (e.g. adults with persistent developmental stuttering). Currently, I’m developing a research line on prediction and degraded auditory processing by taking deaf people with cochlear implant as testing ground, in order to understand how predictive processing aided by linguistic and non-linguistic cues may benefit hearing-impaired people.

I’m currently collaborating with researchers from Padova University Hospital (Padova, Italy), IRCCS San Camillo Hospital (Venice, Italy), BCBL – Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language (Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain), CIMeC – Centro Interdipartimentale Mente-Cervello (University of Trento, Rovereto, Italy), and the Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca (Lucca, Italy).

In 2020-2021 I spent a visiting period at the BCBL – Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language (Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain). Here I worked with the Brain Rhythms and Cognition group, under the supervision of Nicola Molinaro (BCBL / Ikerbasque), and focused on speech-brain entrainment in stuttering.

Previously (2016-2017), I worked with the Cognitive Biology of Language group at the University of Barcelona (Spain), under the supervision of Cedric Boeckx (UB / ICREA). Here I contributed to the group’s line of investigation on self-domestication in the evolution of Homo Sapiens.

Selected Publications


Gastaldon, S.; Busan, P.; Arcara, G.; Peressotti, F.

Inefficient speech-motor control affects predictive speech comprehension: atypical electrophysiological correlates in stuttering Journal Article

In: Cerebral Cortex, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Gastaldon, Simone; Arcara, Giorgio; Navarrete, Eduardo; Peressotti, Francesca

Commonalities in alpha and beta neural desynchronizations during prediction in language comprehension and production Journal Article

In: Cortex, vol. 131, pp. 328-345, 2020, ISSN: 00109452.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX



Gastaldon, S.; Busan, P.; Arcara, G.; Peressotti, F.

Inefficient speech-motor control affects predictive speech comprehension: atypical electrophysiological correlates in stuttering Journal Article

In: Cerebral Cortex, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Lago, S.; Pezzetta, R.; Gastaldon, S.; Peressotti, F.; Arcara, G.

Trial-by-trial fluctuations of prestimulus alpha power predict post-stimulus amplitude of language ERPs Journal Article

In: PsyArXiv, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Gastaldon, Simone; Busan, Pierpaolo; Arcara, Giorgio; Peressotti, Francesca

When inefficient speech-motor control affects speech comprehension: atypical electrophysiological correlates of language prediction in stuttering Journal Article

In: bioRxiv, pp. 2021.10.28.466231, 2021.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Gastaldon, Simone; Arcara, Giorgio; Navarrete, Eduardo; Peressotti, Francesca

Commonalities in alpha and beta neural desynchronizations during prediction in language comprehension and production Journal Article

In: Cortex, vol. 131, pp. 328-345, 2020, ISSN: 00109452.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Arcara, Giorgio; Franzon, Francesca; Gastaldon, Simone; Brotto, Silvia; Semenza, Carlo; Peressotti, Francesca; Zanini, Chiara

One can be some but some cannot be one: ERP correlates of numerosity incongruence are different for singular and plural Journal Article

In: Cortex, vol. 116, pp. 104-121, 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Theofanopoulou, Constantina; Gastaldon, Simone; O’Rourke, Thomas; Samuels, Bridget D; Martins, Pedro Tiago; Delogu, Francesco; Alamri, Saleh; Boeckx, Cedric

Self-domestication in Homo sapiens: Insights from comparative genomics Journal Article

In: PLoS One, vol. 12, no. 10, pp. e0185306, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Gastaldon, Simone; Zanini, Chiara; Arcara, Giorgio; Peressotti, Francesca; Franzon, Francesca

Referential numerosity and morphosyntactic number agreement: A psycholinguistic study on Italian Qualche/Alcuni Journal Article

In: Research in Generative Grammar, vol. 38, pp. 105–113, 2016.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


19 entries « 1 of 2 »


Gastaldon, S.; Quartarone, C.; Budisavljević, S.; Peressotti, F.

Language production performance in unimodal and bimodal bilinguals and structural properties of the frontal aslant tract Conference

Oral presentation at the 30th Conference of the Associazione Italiana di Psicologia, September 27-30, Padova, Italy., 2022.


Gastaldon, S.; Bonfiglio, N.; Vespignani, F.; Bottari, D.; Brotto, D.; Trevisi, P.; Martini, A.; Peressotti, F.

Semantic predictability and articulatory cues during audio-visual speech comprehension in deaf people with cochlear implant: an electroencephalographic study Conference

Poster at the 22nd Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP), August 29 - September 1, Lille, France., 2022.


Quartarone, C.; Gastaldon, S.; Navarrete, E.; Budisavljević, S.; Peressotti, F.

Frontal aslant tract and language production in bimodal and unimodal bilinguals Conference

Poster at the 22nd Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP), August 29 - September 1, Lille, France, 2022.


Gastaldon, S.; Busan, P.; Arcara, G.; Peressotti, F.

Impaired speech-motor control in stuttering affects EEG correlates of predictive speech comprehension Conference

Talk at the TEX2022 workshop 'Bringing together Predictive Processes and Statistical Learning', July 19-22, SISSA - Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, Trieste, Italy., 2022.



Gastaldon, Simone

Indagare il contributo della produzione linguistica nella predizione in comprensione. Indizi elettrofisiologici in adulti tipici e con balbuzie Conference

Oral presentation for the doctoral thesis prize competition, 17th Conference of the Italian Association of Psychology (AIP - Sezione Sperimentale), 8-10 September, Università del Salento, Lecce, Italy, 2021.


Quartarone, Cinzia; Budisavljević, Sanja; Gastaldon, Simone; Navarrete, Eduardo; Peressotti, Francesca

Frontal aslant tract and language production in bimodal and unimodal bilinguals Conference

Talk at the Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP), 2-4 September, Université de Paris, Paris, France, 2021.


Gastaldon, Simone; Bellelli, Stefano; Vespignani, Francesco; Zamparelli, Roberto

Silent repetition as a window into inner speech processing in the brain Conference

Short talk at the INSL - Current Approaches to Inner Speech and Inner Language workshop, July 1-2, Institute of Linguistics, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2021.



Gastaldon, Simone; Lizarazu, Mikel; Peressotti, Francesca; Molinaro, Nicola

Speech-brain entrainment is reduced in adults who stutter when listening for speaking Conference

Poster at the IMPRS Conference 2020: Interdisciplinary Approaches in the Language Sciences, 3-5 June 2020, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 2020.

Links | BibTeX


Gastaldon, Simone; Arcara, Giorgio; Navarrete, Eduardo; Peressotti, Francesca

Anticipatory mechanisms at beta frequency in language comprehension and production Conference

Poster at the 21st Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP), September 25–28, Tenerife, Spain, 2019.


Gastaldon, Simone; Arcara, Giorgio; Navarrete, Eduardo; Natarelli, Giulia; Busan, Pierpaolo; Peressotti, Francesca

Predizione e produzione: Processi anticipatori nell’elaborazione del linguaggio in parlanti fluenti e con balbuzie Conference

Mini-talk at the XXV Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia – Sezione sperimentale, September 18-20, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano, Italy, 2019.


Gastaldon, Simone; Arcara, Giorgio; Navarrete, Eduardo; Natarelli, Giulia; Busan, Pierpaolo; Peressotti, Francesca

Do I produce to predict? Brain oscillations in language anticipation in fluent speech and stuttering Conference

Talk at the 6th European Student Conference on Behaviour and Cognition (ESCBC), September 4-7, University of Padova, Padova, Italy., 2019.


Gastaldon, Simone; Navarrete, Eduardo; Arcara, Giorgio; Peressotti, Francesca

Patterns of alpha and beta oscillations in language prediction and production Conference

Poster at the 7th Cognitive Science Arena 2019, February 15-16, 2019, Bressanone-Brixen, Italy, 2019.


Gastaldon, Simone; Navarrete, Eduardo; Arcara, Giorgio; Peressotti, Francesca

Oscillazioni neurali α e β in predizione e produzione linguistica: Caratteristiche comuni e distintive Conference

Poster at the Giornate di Studi Scientifici sul Linguaggio 2019, February 11-12, 2019, Rovereto, Italy, 2019.



Gastaldon, Simone; Navarrete, Eduardo; Peressotti, Francesca

Producing, comprehending, and predicting: Project outline on spoken and signed language electrophysiology Conference

Poster at the 6th Cognitive Science Arena 2018, February 23–25, 2018, Bressanone-Brixen, Italy, 2018.



Zanini, Chiara; Franzon, Francesca; Semenza, Carlo; Peressotti, Francesca; Gastaldon, Simone; Brotto, Silvia; Arcara, Giorgio

Referential numerosity in quantification expressions. An ERP study on Italian Conference

Poster at the 55th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, November 5–7, 2017, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 2017.


19 entries « 1 of 2 »

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